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Do you know what passion is? It’s not some hippy love festival of flowers, dancing, making daisy chains and those cute little notes you leave around the house reminding your partner how romantic you can be. Passion is fire, it’s desperation; it’s a clawing in your throat right down to your heart, like a gritty belligerent need for life when you’re already alive! An imploding tapping, like a clock that’s rapping, in the hunger of a silent scream, scratching, clawing, massacring every now tainted enclosure.

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I could feel the slow onion-like crunching of my eyes with every blink as my ears amplified the nothingness of the air like a delusion of reality was lifted. I felt bound in foreign cloth-like skin as my stomach collapsed open, like I’d been gutted alive – I could almost feel the wetness where my entrails had slivered out, almost hearing the nigh crackling of infinitesimal frail fibres as the blood bleed into the fabric cloth of my skin.

My stomach was my opening, my escape from this vile corpse in which my mind had been trapped. I could vision myself rip open further away the skin, through the membrane, and cracking, like an eggshell, inverting myself – freeing myself.

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Notebook, pages fall – burdening ink – pages drink – like of blood as fibres link – words over words over words they sink. Vandalising every charge of reason, in a game of logical treason, like just another, and another, and another curve round a curve of never-ending curves. Temporal contractions, time in fractions, layers of reactions, pluses and subtractions, a pulse of present, and past, and future. A theory of B theory of a wiggly stringy spiralling thingy that goes round and round and round in a straight line! Tick tock tick tock ticky tocky fucking swinging pendulum, death! Clock! An abundancy of inconsistencies, they mock, screaming for assimilation, answers, theories, a man of many men infesting the head. Sense they gnaw, more and more! To whom listen? To whom me?

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I wake from a sleep I never have but never leave, surrounded by gods in which I don’t believe, as everything I do was what I did in denial, and everything I did I will do on trial. I wake from a sleep I never have but never leave, surrounded by a conscience only I conceive. As my hourglass lays smashed upon a floor of frost, I am cold, I am lonely, and I am lost.

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Its the Torturing Reminiscence on a past of divorced reaction
Awakens surging regret that beams Reflections in fraction
No follow Fascist Religion and I’m anarchist to Government
But the Cross that consorts fear casts a doubt on my judgement
With believe hostility aside along with my loathing of mankind
I am in-part apprehensive of What God’s jury will find?

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